or send a cheque, specifying Old Virginia, payable to: P. Cooper
3 Astra House
Mt. Pleasant Villas
London N4 4HB
Released in 2014, this is the second album from Rattle on the Stovepipe's Dave Arthur, Pete Cooper and Dan Stewart.
'Old Virginia proves a heartwarming and tremendously enjoyable disc that does exactly what the press handout proclaims – "puts a smile on the face and a skip in the step" – and does it all almost without trying!' - David Kidman, Fatea
'Yet another blisteringly good album from my favourite Old Time band… This gets my vote of Best Album of the Year.' - Mary Humphreys, Mardles magazine
'On their earlier albums, the band concerned themselves with the transition and transfer of songs and tunes from Britain to the New World. This time they have clearly landed in North America…' - Vic Smith, fRoots
'I suspect that some old timey fans may find this disc a little too laid back. All I can say is, try playing it on a hot July night, as I did, with all the windows open, the fan going, and a cooling drop of whatever you fancy. It's magic.' - Fred McCormick, English Dance and Song magazine
'C'est bien sûr de la musique américaine, principalement old time, mais jouée par des Anglais, et c'est cela qui est intéressant… - c'est un mélange de cultures qui se donne un air tout naturel.' - Marc Bauduin, Le Canard folk